Kara Francis-Lyons: Head of Production 

Arts/Culture/Entertainment/Creative Industries:

Kara is Head of Production at Zealot UK.  Please find out more information about her career here.

“Do what you love – something that you wake up and cant wait to go to work makes a good difference. Work hard for it, work hard everyday and love every day” 

Kara Francis Lyons

Kara kindly answered the questions in her video below:

  1. What does a Head of Production do?
  2. What sorts of programs do you produce?
  3. How long have you worked in this field?
  4. What qualifications do you need for this role?
  5. Do you have to manage big teams as part of your role?
  6. What skills do you need to be successful in this role?
  7. What is the most rewarding part of your job?
  8. What challenges do you face in doing your role?
  9. What you say is your best achievement to date?
  10. How can I get into production?
  11. Is there any work experience I could get which could help me?