Jamaican Patois (Jamaica)

Thank you Ms Wallace for providing the above Jamaican proverbs.

Anansi Stories:

Anansi Stories originated in West Africa. They were brought to Jamaica and other parts of the New World by Ashanti slaves, and were handed down orally through generations. Anansi exists as a spider, a man, or a combination of the two.  Here is an enactment of one of the Anansi stories:

Harry Belafonte's song, "Jamaica Farewell":

This song was sang to me (Mrs Piggin) a lot during childhood by my Jamaican mother.  To me, the lyrics encapsulate the experience of Windrush for many Jamaican people and also the sadness of leaving children behind to go and find work abroad. 

 This song is so popular worldwide and is embraced by many different cultures.    Click below to hear the song with both English and Vietnamese lyrics.