School Day

Our School Reception is open as follows:-

  • Term time - Monday to Friday from 8.15am to 4.30pm
  • School holidays - Monday to Friday from 9am to 3.30pm

There is an answer machine outside these times, but the best way to contact us is via email to

Attendance & Absence

We have been reviewing how you tell us if your child is absent from or late to school and how we manage the 100's of phone calls, messages and emails to various staff, we receive each day.

In order to report your child absent for all or part of the day (eg leaving early for an appointment even if they will be returning school) please visit the school website. On the front page follow the link 'Absence, Late and Appointment Reporting.'

You will be redirected to the online form if you ring/email the school. Messages will not be taken except in truly exceptional circumstances, so please do not ask staff to take them.

Do not ring or email the school except in emergency.

Please see the Attendance and Absence page on the school website for more information.

Contacting the School

2023-2024 - Timing of the School Day

Timing of the School Day


Warning Bell


Registration / Assembly


End of Registration / Assembly


Lesson One start


Lesson One end


Lesson Two start




Warning Bell


Lesson Three start


Lesson Three end


Lesson Four start




Warning Bell


Lesson Five start


End of school day


Students need to be in their tutor room by 8.35am so should be on school premises by 8.30am.

Students should aim to arrive at school before 8.30am, when the first bell sounds, and they must be in their form rooms by the time the second bell sounds at 8.35am. It is the duty of students to be prompt to registration. Students who are late to school are required to complete a 15 minute detention during their lunch break. All students arriving after 8.30am must report to the Attendance Secretary via the 6th Form entrance to sign in. 

Sufficient travelling time has to be left to allow for cancelled/full buses and ‘traffic’. Unless a truly exceptional circumstance happens ‘traffic’ does not cancel a late detention.

There are 5 minutes ‘travel time’ between lessons. Students arriving after the ‘second bell’ will be marked late and given a detention. Persistent lateness to school or to lessons will be dealt with by the Head of Year.

Please refer to the school’s full Attendance Policy on our website for more information about attendance and punctuality.


Detentions may take place during the day or after school. Students must attend detentions given. Schools have a legal power to put students in detention and all staff in the school have the authority to issue detentions.

Normally if a student is kept for a short time (at breaktime, lunchtime or up to 15 minutes after school) we would not inform parents. However, in the case of after school detentions, which are usually between 30 and 60 minutes, parents MAY be given notice via telephone or email. All detentions must be completed and there can be no exceptions to this rule.


The most obvious difference between primary school and secondary school are the lessons.  Each lesson is in a different classroom with a different teacher and possibly a different group of students. You will quickly get used to this but be prepared for some quick changes!

Getting lost...

Everybody will get lost at some point during the first two weeks, including new teachers, older students and 6th formers. Just because a student has been in the school for a year does not mean they know where all their new classes are for the current year. Everybody will be out and around during lesson changeovers to point you in the right direction.

Exceptional Leave

Requests for Exceptional Leave during term time need to be made in writing, in advance, on this form, before the purchase of any tickets/arrangements are made. 

Please be aware any request for exceptional leave of absence will require appropriate evidence for the reason cited ie family member’s ill health / funeral / weddings /medical appointment abroad etc. Sadly, this is necessary because some parents have chosen to be ‘economical with the truth’ about extended travel/illness either side of school holidays, hence the need for evidence. 

Materials to be provided by the student

All students are expected to bring a suitable school bag in which to carry all their equipment and books. It MUST be able to hold several A4 sized exercise books and as students have to carry it everywhere with them throughout the school day, it should have good sturdy straps to go over their shoulders to maximise comfort.

Students must bring the following to school every day:

Basic equipment

  • Pens – Blue or black ink only for writing (more than one is necessary, they will run out quickly!)
  • HB pencil (including B or 2B for Art)
  • Ruler (30cm)
  • Rubber
  • Sharpener
  • Selection of coloured pencils

Every student should have a good sized pencil case to keep everything safe. Other useful items include a green ink pen, highlighters, protractor and compass, scissors and a glue stick.

In addition to the basic equipment listed, you are also expected to bring the following items to School every day:

  • a reading book of general interest. It is expected that students bring a reading book each day as part of their school equipment and are reading regularly at home. This should be for a minimum of 45 minutes per week.
  • Timetable
  • Scientific calculator
  • Refillable bottle of water

In addition to this other equipment may be needed for certain lessons during the week that you will also need to bring e.g.

  • Food container (the school will provide the ingredients)
  • PE kit
  • D&T apron
  • Sketching pencils

As you can see, your bag will fill up very quickly. Make sure that you choose a good bag for the start of the year.

Lost Property

If your child has lost something belonging to them, please ask them to check the last place they had it in the school and then visit our student Services.  

Any property found in the school will be taken to Student Services.

Please ensure your child's property is clearly named.