Holocaust Memorial Day 2023

Well done to our wonderful Sixth Former Hannah Gilbert and Mr Cohen for your thought provoking assembly on Friday 27 January 2023.

The Holocaust, when learning about it at school or hearing about it in conversation, can seem like an unimaginable and distant event.

You will know that Holocaust Memorial Day (27th of January) is when we remember the six million Jewish people murdered during the Holocaust… But we often don’t discuss or commemorate the Holocaust past learning about the facts and definitions about it.

The theme of Holocaust Memorial Day 2023 is “Ordinary People”.

The Holocaust Memorial Day Trust says: “Our theme this year, though, highlights the ordinary people who let genocide happen, the ordinary people who actively perpetrated genocide, and the ordinary people who were persecuted.

“Our theme will also prompt us to consider how ordinary people, such as ourselves, can perhaps play a bigger part than we might imagine in challenging prejudice today.
“In order to explore the theme of Ordinary People, we will look at some specific categories (perpetrators, bystanders, rescuers).

“It is important to note that people do not always fall neatly into one of these categories, and that within categories, within sectors, jobs and responsibilities there were a range of responses to what was going on around them.”

Please see the clips below to get you thinking about this more.