Earthshot: Fix Our Climate Possible Ideas

Earthshot idea
Promotion of #MakeAChange pledges
Art Mural / banners / painting on playgroundClimate stripes visualisation or similar?
Rewild parts of school eg wildflower meadows, tree planting, bug hotels… Yellow rattle - needed to weaken grass so wildflowers to grow
Public transport, cycle, walk, run to work staff incentive scheme
No idling on Handsworth Avenue scheme
Staff car sharing system Online system already exists?
Cycle help / bike tune up session
Organic food days in canteen Maybe - less CO2 per area, but more area needed for same crop yield. Needs investigating!
School climate impact audit
Solar panel &/or Wind turbine feasibility study Can we install them on new school buildings?
School switch to renewable energy provider
Meat free day / week in canteen
Social media climate disinformation & greenwashing awareness
Idea to reduce carbon emissionsNotes
Carbon footprint of items in canteenCould start with a single day or more general posters on low footprint of plant based foods, then work towards individual items everyday. 
“Insulate Highams Park” campaignAwareness campaign on insulating homes. Link in with cost of living crisis, sell / make (?) subsidised eg draught excluders? Work with local firms to offer discounts on insulation to HP parents?
Show power of green investmentInvest half prize in green stocks & shares (eg Big Exchange), half in standard & share comparison over time. Earnings reinvested in Earthshot prize fund after 5 years?
Share school’s electricity usage & carbon footprintThis used to be on our website but never worked properly. Can we sign up to something with a smart meter that shares this data automatically?
Produce & sell an Earthshot low carbon footprint recipe bookConsider vegetarian / vegan / organic? Include food miles. Work with Food dept, run competition to get entries. Use eg Photobox to make book. Profits reinvested in Prize fund. 

Note: some of these ideas are linked with other Earthshot categories.