• Exam Information for Candidates

Exam Information for Candidates

  • Exams Officer - Mrs H Morris - exams@highamsparkschool.co.uk

What standards of behaviour are expected during examinations?

All candidates should read the documents below, produced by the examining bodies,  which must be observed. 

The centre and the examination boards regard breaches of examination regulations very seriously. Parents should please impress on your son/daughter the importance of good behaviour in an examination, as any activities that may disturb or upset other candidates will not be tolerated.

The head of centre and exams officer have the power to remove disruptive candidates.

Candidates are asked to wait quietly outside the exam venue, and to enter and leave in silence. This avoids disturbance to other candidates and does help to maintain a calm atmosphere for those students who are nervous about their exams.

Candidates who try to communicate with other candidates inside the venue, or who create a disturbance in the examination room will be asked to leave, and the circumstances will be reported to the examination board. This may result in the candidate not receiving a grade for the whole of that examination.

Information to be aware of when taking examinations

Ofqual has published a student checklist to help students prepare for their assessments. We’d also recommend Ofqual’s recently published Student Guide 2024, which gives students information about this year’s arrangements for qualifications and explains what support is in place when taking exams and assessments.

There is a lot of information to be aware of when taking examinations. Please make yourself familiar with the following documents which, have been created to help you by the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) and should be read.

Written examinations - from Sep 2024.  This document tells you about the rules of written exams.

On Screen tests - from Sep 2024. This document tells you about the rules of on screen tests.

On your exam day - from Sep 2024. This checklist will help you to be as prepared as possible for your exams.

Privacy notice - Information about you and JCQ use it

Calculators FAQ - Using calculators in exam rooms


These documents tell you about some things that you must and must not do when you are completing your work.

Coursework assessments - from Sep 2024. 

Non-examination assessments - from Sep 2024.

AI and Assessments - from Sep 2024.  This document tells you about AI misuse.  Know the rules.

Social media - from Sep 2024. This document tells you about things not to do on social media.

Information for candidates - privacy notice - 2023-2024

Personal Data Consent - Access Arrangements online

Malpractice Policy - Sep 2024-2025

The following posters are displayed outside the room and are a reminder to you of the regulations that must be followed and the items that MUST NOT be taken into the exam room as this could result in DISQUALIFICATION from your exam and overall qualification.

Reviewed Sep 2022