• Student Microsoft Teams lessons Code of Conduct

Student Microsoft Teams lessons Code of Conduct

Student Microsoft Teams lessons Code of Conduct

  • Students are expected to behave in the Microsoft Teams lesson as they would in school and all usual school rules regarding behaviour and etiquette apply.
  • Students must treat others with respect at all times during online lessons. If the code of conduct is not followed appropriately then you may be removed from the online lesson, parents will be contacted and school sanctions applied.
  • Students must ensure they are adequately prepared for their online lessons, having all the necessary equipment available (pen, exercise book, equipment, calculator etc).
  • Students will choose a quiet and sensible place to work from – ideally a living room or shared (quiet) space in your house.
  • If the video setting has been allowed by the teacher students must be appropriately dressed, no pyjamas/nightwear or inappropriate clothing, and ensuring their background is neutral
  • When speaking during the ‘lesson’ only do so when instructed by your teacher. Talk slowly and clearly making sure you are always polite and wait for any pauses or delays that may occur due to connection issues.
  • Appropriate language must be used at all times when communicating with staff, addressing staff with their usual work title (e.g. Miss/ Ms/ Mrs/ Mr).
  • Students should use formal staff-student boundaries at all times when speaking to staff and they should not ask staff questions relating to their private life/ home situation.
  • Students agree that all messages they send during Teams lessons, or information they upload, will always be polite, sensible and relevant and respectful towards all participants in the lesson.
  • Students are not permitted to record or screenshot the meeting. Your teacher may record lessons for safeguarding reasons and will only use the function within Microsoft Teams to do so. All participants will be informed when any recording is taking place.
  • Remember these ‘lessons’ are between teachers and students ONLY. If parents wish to contact the school they should do so through the usual channels (e.g email to Head of Department or Head of Year).
  • Students are aware that Microsoft Teams is a closed school system and only accessible via your school Office365 account and should therefore not invite any guests from outside the class or school to join the system through the misuse of login details.
  • Students, parents/carers should be mindful that they and other family members might be seen or heard within the session by staff. Trying to limit this would be recommended and can be guaranteed if the students microphone and video remain turned off. It is acceptable for a student to participate in the lesson by just listening and can inform the teacher via the messaging facility if they wish to proceed in this way.