8Jb1 Reflection Lockdown Practical
You will need:
- A torch (you could use a torch on a phone) - this replaces the ray box in the instructions below.
- A piece of cardboard with a narrow slit cut part way up. Ideally with blu tac or something to stand it upright. This replaces the slit in the front of the ray box and will hopefully give you a reasonably narrow beam of light. Hope your phone further back behind the slit to make your ray narrower.
- Paper (plain paper best).
- A small flat mirror or something reflective eg a cutlery knife (NOT a sharp one!), CD case, book with a shiny cover etc... If using a mirror it must have no frame or border. Otherwise the reflected ray will not show up on the paper.
- Blu tac
- Protractor.
- Pencil.
If you cannot do the practical as suggested you can still use this Focus eLearning simulation. But plotting rays with crosses as shown is an important skill so try to give it a go, even if it comes out a bit messy!
Advance notice: for next lesson 8Jb2 you will ideally need some thick transparent plastic (plastic packaging works well) to make a 3D Hologram Projector! See these instructions for what we will try out and if possible get your hologram projector ready for next lesson.