7Ka Forces

7Ka1 Lockdown practical

To do the 7Ka1 practical at home you will need:

  • 2 magnets
  • Ice cube and similar sized piece of wood
  • Small length of natural string and small length of smooth plastic string / thread
  • A spring – eg from pen
  • Kitchen scales
  • Scrap paper
  • Table tennis ball & hair dryer or bendy straw (or Maltesers!)

Do not worry if you don't have everything. But the more you can find in advance, the more of the practical you can do!

Worksheets for 7Ka1 lesson

7Ka2 Lockdown practical

To do the 7Ka2 practical at home you will need:

  • bathroom scales (probably in kg)
  • kitchen balance / scales (probably in g)
  • appropriate objects from around the home to measure the mass of using these scales (some light, some heavy)
  • Graph paper - you can print out from here or use a page of square paper from your maths book?!

Try to get this together before the lesson, but again do not worry if you can't. Others will be able to share their results.