Brian's Portuguese Poem
Thank you so much Brian (7P1) for creating this lovely PowerPoint:
Catia is also of Portuguese orgin. Here are some of her favourite words....
Saudade - a mixture of feelings, longing,
melancholy, incompleteness and love.
Apaixonar -
falling in love ( can apply to place or person)
Beijinho -
meaning “little” kiss
Beijo means kiss and adding inho adds cuteness and makes it little kiss..
Águas passadas, não movem moinhos -
water under the bridge do not move mills
Pulgas atrás da orelha - flea behind the ears, basically means to look suspicious
Muitos anos a virar frangos - many years turning chickens this is a person with a lot of experience
As nossas desgraças entram
sempre por portas que nós abrimos -
our misfortunes enter through doors that we have opened.
means like cute, fluffy kinda thing.. but add the magic inho/inha to
it and it’s like “little” or extra cute/fluffy